ManufacturerHighland Cigar Co.
Highland Cigar Co.
Cigars have been symbols of celebration, victory, success and prestige throughout history. At last, Highland Cigar Co. has created an environment worthy of such revelry! We pride ourselves on creating an atmosphere of comfort, relaxation and fun.
Highland Cigar Co. is a premium cigar retailer and bar. We feature a walk-in humidor, high-end accessories, private cigar storage and other products and services for cigar lovers and their friends. Our state-of-the-art ventilation system, comfortable leather sofas and high definition televisions create an experience like no other in the Atlanta area.
Brian Mitchell is the owner of Highland Cigar Co. He began enjoying cigars, fine scotch and champagne as gestures of celebration, and developed the philosophy that life should be celebrated every single day...hence Highland Cigar Co.
Robert Horman is the General Manager and VP of Operations for Highland Cigar Co. His commitment to creating exceptional experiences for our customers is apparent in all that we do. In recognition of his uniquely high standards, Robert was awarded the Atlanta Tourism Award by the Mayor of Atlanta for Exceptional Customer Service. He is the driving force behind our uncompromising environment and an avid cigar aficionado!
Phone: (770) 375-6910
Highland Cigar Co.
245 N. Highland Ave. Suite 140
Atlanta, Georgia 30307
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