BrandMarlboro No-Name

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Brand Marlboro No-Name

Marlboro cigarettes are the world’s most popular, top-selling brand, but, until recently, they were never marketed or sold in Canada. The Canadian trade marks for Philip Morris’ cigarette brands (including Marlboro) were originally held by the Tuckett Tobacco Company, which was purchased by the Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada in 1930. The trade marks switched hands in 1932, and since then, Imperial has kept the name Marlboro in use in order to prevent Philip Morris from marketing it in Canada. The Imperial version is a Virginia blend, filtered king-size (85mm) brand which has never been promoted or advertised. Many Canadians are very unaware that cigarettes with the Marlboro 'name' are marketed in Canada -- they are carried by a small number of tobacco stores, and are often stored in the bottom shelves.

However, Rothmans, Benson & Hedges, which is 40 per cent. owned by Altria, found a most unique loophole which allowed them to introduce Philip Morris’ Marlboro into the Canadian market in July, 2006. The brand they launched was, for the very first time, a cigarette that looked like, smelled like, and by all accounts, tasted like, the world's largest cigarette brand. The only noticeable difference is that this Marlboro-like brand does not carry the Marlboro 'name', yet the pack has the famous Marlboro roof-top design on its packaging with the Philip Morris logo, along with an old ad slogan at the bottom of the front: ”Come to where the flavor is.” The brand is informally referred to as Rooftop, and, like most American-blend cigarettes in Canada, is sold as a luxury/super-premium brand.

In my experience with them, they taste NOTHING like US Marlboros or any of their European counterparts!

Go to Brand Marlboro Canadian

Dear visitors of the site if you have more information about this brand, please edit this info. Thank you for the assistance.

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