ManufacturerStar Scientific, Inc.

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Star Scientific, Inc.

The Group's principal activity is to develop, sell and market less toxic and harmful tobacco products. It develops proprietary scientific technology for the curing of Starcured (TM) tobacco so as to reduce the formation of carcinogenic toxins present in tobacco and tobacco smoke. The Group's research and development activities include reducing the various health hazards associated with the use of smoked and smokeless tobacco products. The Group's operating segments are discount cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products and leaf tobacco.

About Star Scientific, Inc

Star Scientific, Inc. (NASDAQ: STSI)

• Our corporate mission is centered on reducing toxins in tobacco so that adult consumers can have access to products that expose them to sharply reduced toxin levels. The company was founded on the belief that is technologically possible to lessen the health risks associated with long-term tobacco use, and particularly smoking

• Our goals, initiatives and strategies all flow from the harsh realities of widespread national and global tobacco use. Tobacco-related disease is the single most preventable cause of premature death in the United States. The global realities are even more troubling. Worldwide, more than 1.2 billion people use tobacco daily, and about 4 million of those users will die prematurely this year

• We are different from other tobacco companies because we have always accepted the finding of the U.S. Surgeon General Reports that detail the risk to human life that are associated with smoking. These comprehensive reports are based on research spanning multiple disciplines in medical and behavioral science. It is our position that good science should drive tobacco product manufacturing and marketing, and that technologies aimed at toxin reduction ought to be the standards for measurement in the 21st century

• Star Scientific’s Board of Directors unanimously adopted a core Policy Statement in 1999 that reflects the company’s belief that it has a corporate responsibility to continue to expand research and development efforts that result in the manufacture of tobacco products that contain as few toxins as is technologically feasible

• We have scaled up a non-chemical tobacco curing technology, StarCured™, that interferes with the formation of tobacco specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) that occurs in traditional curing methods • We market dissolvable hard smokeless tobacco products made with tobacco that is 100% Virginia StarCured® tobacco, with TSNA levels that we believe are the lowest anywhere in the world.

These products were the first dissolvable smokeless products in the commercial marketplace: Stonewall Hard Snuff®, developed for traditional moist snuff users, and Ariva®, which was developed for adult smokers.

• We believe these products hold great promise in two ways. Each has TSNA levels that are extremely low, even when measured in “parts per billion”. In addition, these products are not combusted, so that smoke is not inhaled into the lungs (tobacco smoke produces at least 43 compounds that are known to be carcinogens)

• The labeling and packaging of our products gives adult consumers candid and accurate information about the products they purchase. The packaging clearly articulates that the products contain nicotine, which is an addictive substance, that the best option is to quit or not to start using tobacco, and that there is no proof that reducing TSNAs equates to a reduction in health risk

• We applaud and fully support all efforts to prevent tobacco initiation and use by young people, and to promote cessation among current users. At the same time, we believe we can contribute to lessening the harm caused by conventional smoked and smokeless tobacco products to those adults who continue to use them

• Although it may take time for our company or independent researchers to obtain evidence that a reduction in TSNAs translates into a reduction in risk, we believe there is no valid reason, in light of the development of the StarCured™ technology, for tobacco users to continue to be exposed to these toxins.

Brands: Gsmoke, Main Street, Sport, and Vegas
Official site:
Consumer Help: Write Star Scientific , Inc., 801 Liberty Way,
Chester, VA 23836, or call (804) 530-0535, or
write an e-mail to

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