BrandHerbert Tareyton

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Brand Herbert Tareyton

Tareyton is a brand of cigarettes manufactured by the American Tobacco Company. It began as a variation of Herbert Tareyton cork-tipped non-filter cigarettes. As filters gained in popularity in the late 1950s, Tareyton was created as the filtered version of Herbert Tareyton, minus the cork tip. Herbert Tareyton never ceased production, and can be found on the internet, but is no longer sufficiently popular to be stocked in some stores.

Tareyton's filter features a unique two-part design of fiber and activated charcoal.

Tareyton was perhaps better known for its advertisements than its popularity. For example, when commercials for cigarettes were permitted to air on TV, in the mid-1960s, Tareyton's TV and print advertisements featured the grammatically incorrect, but immensely popular, slogan, "Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switc" Commercials and magazine advertisements featured Tareyton smokers with black eyes, supposedly to symbolize their willingness to fight to defend their brand.

Tareyton's "rather fight than switch" ad campaign became so popular that, in the late 1960s, Martin Luther King, Jr. parodied the campaign in a speech: "Yet our best trained, best educated, best equipped, best prepared troops refuse to figh==== Matter of fact, it's safe to say that they would rather switch than fight!" King's statement was later sampled in the 1989 Public Enemy single "Fight the Power."

During the height of their popularity in the 60's, a then-unknown Martha Stewart had modeled for the brand of cigarettes in a series of their advertisements.

In the late 1960s, Tareyton commercials featured unsuccessful, but amusing, attempts by frustrated smokers to attach Tareyton's filter to other brands of cigarettes. The new slogan was, "If you could put Tareyton's filter on any other cigarette, you'd have a better tasting cigarette (but not as good as a Tareyton)."

With the end of cigarette commercials on TV and radio on January 1, 1971, Tareyton's amusing commercials likewise came to an end.

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