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On this page you can assist people who want to exchange [http://www.cigarettespedia.com cigarette packs] illustrations. You may either help them or you can fill in an application by your own in order to be included in the list of persons willing to exchange. <br>
On this page you can assist people who want to exchange [http://www.cigarettespedia.com cigarette packs] illustrations. You may either help them or you can fill in an application by your own in order to be included in the list of persons willing to exchange. <br>
You can send us your e-mail address to place it on our site for future correspondence with those persons who would like to '''exchange cigarette packs'''. <br>
You may either help them or you can send us your Name, e-mail address and your website URL address (in case you have one) at wiki@cigarettespedia.com  in order to be included in the list of persons willing to exchange. Your information will be placed on our site for future correspondence with those persons who would like to exchange cigarette packs.
. <br>
List of persons willing to exchange:<br>
List of persons willing to exchange:<br>
* Miroslav Potancok (http://www.swsbb.sk/img/aukro/, mailto:buffalo@swsbb.sk) - only small preview , collect full older packets all around the world but prefer Czechoslovakia old packets.
* '''M.Vinicius Coleções - PORTUGAL'''  mailto:allcollectionspt@hotmail.com [Facebook[http://www.facebook.com/mviniciuscolecoes]Sales of Empty cigarette packs - Venda e compra de Embalagens de Cigarros<br>
* Michal Kršík - Exchange only full cigarettes packs. I offer packs from Czech Republic and Poland (http://cigarettesexchangecz.webnode.cz/)
* '''Igor Sergeev''' (http://www.tttt.ru, mailto:tttt@tttt.ru) empty cigarette packs
* '''Igor Sergeev''' (http://www.tttt.ru, mailto:tttt@tttt.ru) empty cigarette packs
* Roly Canteros (Camel only) (http://www.cantervill.com.ar/camel/, mailto:roly@cantervill.com.ar)<br>
* Roly Canteros (Camel only) (http://www.cantervill.com.ar/camel/, mailto:roly@cantervill.com.ar)<br>
* Heliton Padilha-Brasil- mailto:hpadilha5@ig.com.br empty cigarette packs
* Heliton Padilha-Brasil- mailto:hpadilha5@ig.com.br empty cigarette packs
* MARIANO LATINA from Argentina buy sell & exchange full and empty worldwide cigarette packets contact to: compra_venta_canje@yahoo.com.ar
* MARIANO LATINA from Argentina buy sell & exchange full and empty worldwide cigarette packets contact to: (mailto:marianolatina@hotmail.com)I also interested in pre 1990 empty cigarette packs from YUGOSLAVIA
* Guilherme Prestes da Silva mailto:guilherme.aceca@gmail.com <br>
* Guilherme Prestes da Silva mailto:guilherme.aceca@gmail.com <br>
* Emerson Rossetti [http://ecigarettes.cjb.net The Empty Cigarette Packs Collection] Empty cigarette packs only <br>
* Emerson Rossetti [http://mundodoscigarros.blogspot.com Mundo dos Cigarros] Empty cigarette packs only <br>
* Alexei Melnik (http://squirl.info/people/Sigfried, http://sigfried.photofile.ru, mailto:sigfried65@mail.ru)
* Marcos Hernandez (Camel only) (http://www.mhstudio.com.ar/camel/, mailto:marcos@mhstudio.com.ar)
* Marcos Hernandez (Camel only) (http://www.mhstudio.com.ar/camel/, mailto:marcos@mhstudio.com.ar)
* Ramon Debesa  (http://usuarios.lycos.es/cachupi/index.htm, mailto:d3ra3@yahoo.es (packs desarmados)
* Ramon Debesa  (http://usuarios.lycos.es/cachupi/index.htm, mailto:d3ra3@yahoo.es (packs desarmados)
* Wrlz (I can offer All JT brands/looking for former USSR countries)(http://wrlz.blog15.fc2.com/) (mailto:wrlz@yahoo.co.jp)
* Wrlz (I can offer All JT brands/looking for former USSR countries)(http://wrlz.blog15.fc2.com/) (mailto:wrlz@yahoo.co.jp)
* Erich Swoboda (packs from china only) mailto:wantana@gmx.at
* '''Erich Swoboda''' empty softpacks worldwide mailto:wantana@gmx.at http://wantana.magix.net/website/
* EDUARDO GAGO  mailto:teh658_edu@hotmail.com
* EDUARDO GAGO  mailto:teh658_edu@hotmail.com
* Alejandro Butera (http://cpcca.8k.com, mailto:butera@cab.cnea.gov.ar) empty cigarette packs
* Alejandro Butera (http://cpcca.8k.com, mailto:butera@cab.cnea.gov.ar) empty cigarette packs
* Marcos Ferreira Calumbi - Brasil - empty box and soft - calumbi@gmail.com
* '''Marcos Ferreira Calumbi''' - Brasil - empty box and soft - (mailto:calumbi@gmail.com)
* Marcus Seidel - Germany - (http://www.dermarkusseidel.de/Zigarettenschachteln.htm) empty cigarette packs, hard box and soft and also flattered packs: mailto:cigpack@dermarkusseidel.de
* Markus Seidel - Germany - (http://www.dermarkusseidel.de/Zigarettenschachteln.htm) empty cigarette packs, hard box and soft and also flattered packs: cigpack@dermarkusseidel.de
* Orazio Rocchi - Italy - every kind of empty and flattened cigarette packs - every printed difference is considered - I have over 95.000 packs in my collection - mailto:orazio.rocchi@gmail.com
* Orazio Rocchi - Italy - every kind of empty and flattened cigarette packs - every printed difference is considered - I have over 95.000 packs in my collection - mailto:orazio.rocchi@gmail.com
* Russ. McElroy - I collect mainly, all Vintage i.ie. Pre: 1950, U.K. packs. I also have a huge collection of worldwide "live" packets to exchange. These include, hull and slide packs, fliptop packs and paper packs. - mailto:Russramco69@aol.com
* Russ. McElroy - I collect mainly, all Vintage i.ie. Pre: 1950, U.K. packs. I also have a huge collection of worldwide "live" packets to exchange. These include, hull and slide packs, fliptop packs and paper packs. - mailto:Russramco69@aol.com
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* Jon A. Ernst - USA - Packs from overseas (Europe/Asia) pyroplatoon67@gmail.com
* Jon A. Ernst - USA - Packs from overseas (Europe/Asia) pyroplatoon67@gmail.com
* Muhammed Kocan im 16 yaers old - Denmark - COLLECT FULL AND EMPTY (3d) PACKS. I can send you my collection in EXEL FILE WITH ALL DETAILS! ADD ME COLLECTORS! undertaker_mo@hotmail.com / kocan1@hotmail.com
* Muhammed Kocan im 16 yaers old - Denmark - COLLECT FULL AND EMPTY (3d) PACKS. I can send you my collection in EXEL FILE WITH ALL DETAILS! ADD ME COLLECTORS! undertaker_mo@hotmail.com / kocan1@hotmail.com
* Alejandro B. Muzio - collector packs of cigarettes of Sauce Viejo - Santa Fé - Argentina - mailto:alejandromuzio@hotmail.com    I collect empty packs of the world. I interested in change with all colectors.
* [[User:Gabriel manfredi|Gabriel E. Manfredi]] - collector soft-packs of cigarettes - Pilar - Buenos Aires - Argentina - mailto:gabriel.manfredi@gmail.com    I collect empty soft packs of the world. I interested in change with all collectors.(I have to exchange te bags, postals, coins, etc.)
* Enio Rodrigo Marconcini (http://www.enio.pro.br) Empty full soft and hard packs of cigarettes. mailto:eniorm@gmail.com <br>
* Alex Halianov - Ukraine - collector of soft and hard full packs only - exchange full cigarette packs - email: baksiks2007@ukr.net
*Marco Staiano Empty cigarettes packetes mailto(the_oldmasterferrari@hotmail.it)
*João Carlos Winck - Brasil - (jwinck@portoweb.com.br) I collect empty cigarettes packs and boxes.
*Sidney Hildebrand Jr. - Brazil - http://www.geocities.com/sid_hildebrand (sid.hildebrandjr@zipmail.com.br) - collect empty cigarette packs. hard and soft.
*Michael Engel - ISRAEL - [http://www.cigarettepackcollector.com] - Collect Full/empty/label hard/soft Please contact me before exchange mailto:engel.micky@gmail.com
*Vladimr Rusin - Russia - http://www.cigarettepacks.ru/ (mailto:volant@rambler.ru) - collect empty cigarette packs. collection more than 5000 packs.
*Niels Christiaens 14years old - Belgium - [mailto: RastaX3@hotmail.com] - collects empty & full cigarette packs, just started with collecting - i want to exchange with people all over the world.
* Tyler Mains - United States - tylermains@hotmail.com - Please contact me in regards to exchanging either empty packs or non-stale full packs. Interested in European/Asian/South American/African cigarettes
* "Chincal"  EMPTY CIGATETTE PACKS(3D, hard pack)) mailto:chincal@163.com
* Balazs Hornyak - Hompage is in Hungarian only: http://www.dohanymuzeum.hu/ - Old Hungarian tobacco produducts and history

Latest revision as of 12:10, 9 December 2019

On this page you can assist people who want to exchange cigarette packs illustrations. You may either help them or you can fill in an application by your own in order to be included in the list of persons willing to exchange.

You may either help them or you can send us your Name, e-mail address and your website URL address (in case you have one) at wiki@cigarettespedia.com  in order to be included in the list of persons willing to exchange. Your information will be placed on our site for future correspondence with those persons who would like to exchange cigarette packs. .

List of persons willing to exchange:

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